Is My Baby Teething?
Teething is a part of growing up that every baby has to go through. At PharmacyKwik we understand that all babies are individuals, some babies will go through the teething process without suffering any discomfort at all. Other babies will suffer with a large amount of pain and discomfort. Fear not at PharmacyKwik we have all the teething products required to help with easing the pain and discomfort that comes with teething.
What are the Teething Stages?
5 – 7 Months:
At this stage you can expect to see the bottom front teeth (Incisors) coming through the gums.
6 – 8 Months
At this stage you can expect to see the top front teeth (Incisors) coming through the gums.
9 – 11 Months
At this stage the top lateral incisors (these are the teeth that sit either side of the top front teeth) can be seen coming through the gums.
10 – 12 Months
At this stage the bottom lateral incisors (these are the teeth that sit either side of the bottom front teeth) can be seen coming through the gums
12 – 16 Months
At this stage the you can expect to see the molars (back teeth) coming through the gums
16 – 20 Months
At this stage the canines (these are the teeth that sit towards the back of the mouth) can be seen coming through the gums
20 – 30 Months
The second molars come through at this stage of teething
What are the symptoms of teething?
There is much debate over some of the symptoms that present when a baby is teething. Many experts say that symptoms such as fussiness, fever or diarrhea are not actually symptoms of teething and are more coincidental. At PharmacyKwik we say that you know your baby best and if they seem off or are having trouble feeding or are just feeling a little grumpy its best to have a healthcare professional take a look at your baby.
The more common symptoms of teething include:
- Gums look angry and sore where the tooth is coming through
- One or both cheeks can look a little flushed
- Dribbling or drooling more so than normal
- Baby tends to gnaw and want to chew or bite a lot
- Baby refuses or has gone off food
- Baby isn’t sleeping well
- Baby is fretful and irritable
Teething can bring a host of other issues that may cause your baby distress, excessive drooling can cause a rash on the face. Wiping the face with a soft cotton cloth as often as possible will help, try not to rub the rash on the your baby as it may be a little painful. Barrier creams such as Vaseline, Sudocrem or Burts Bees Amazing Baby Bee Multipurpose ointment.
Why is teething so painful?
Your babies teeth were developing in your womb. At the teething stage your babies teeth are forcing themselves through the gums causing them to swell and be very painful. Chewing a teething ring may help however sucking can cause your baby a few problems as sucking causes more blood to rush into the gums making them more sensitive this is the reason why your baby may not want to feed.
How to soothe my babies gums?
Before buying pain relief medication try things that you have at home to help give your baby some relief.
- Rub a cool spoon over your babies gums to help numb the pain temporarily.
- Give your baby a teething ring the solid silicone rings are usually the best.
- Letting your baby chew on hard baby biscuits such as Bickiepegs helps with teething.
Teething Gels. Do they work?
Teething gels do work! Teething gels contain a local anaesthetic and antiseptic in them. If a small amount is rubbed on to the gums it provides a numbing affect which lasts for about 20 minutes. Gels such as Anbesol gel, Bonjela teething gel and Calgel teething gel helps provide temporary relief from teething pain.
Does giving infant Paracetamol and Ibuprofen work?
Giving infant paracetamol and Ibuprofen after the age of 3 months does work however it is not a good idea to give them at the same time. Its best to space the dose out so that your child receives better pain relief. If you are unsure about what dose to give your baby please give us a call on 0800 023 2295 and we will be more than happy to speak to you about what dose your baby should be getting.
Do natural remedies really help with teething pain?
Products such as Camilia and Nelsons Teetha are homeopathic remedies that provide a soothing and a calming relief which helps your baby. The homeopathic remedies simply dissolve into your babies mouth. The benefits should last for about 2-3 hours.
There is no side effects associated with herbal remedies and they don’t interact with other medicines.